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Adaptation Green List for Natura 2000 areas (2018)

Client: IUCN

The "Green List" is an IUCN project that has been running since 2014 and which recognises protected areas around the world that are characterised by particularly well-functioning management and administration. The IUCN thus aims to support the effective and successful implementation of area protection worldwide.

Various criteria and indicators describe in detail which qualities a well-managed area must meet in order to be included in the "Green List". Numerous protected areas in China, Korea, Kenya, California and Europe - especially in Italy, France and Spain - have already achieved Green List status.

As part of a LIFE project, it was clarified to what extent the criteria of the "Green List" can be applied to the European Natura 2000 protected area system or whether adaptations are necessary. Eight European Natura 2000 experts, including Wolfgang Suske, are working on these criteria together with the IUCN and the European Commission and are testing their practical suitability in various Natura 2000 areas (including the Ennstal).


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