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Landscape programs and funding (853311)

Lecture and seminar (VS) 

2 semester hours, 3 ECTS credits

The practical implementation of nature conservation objectives depends to a large extent on the availability of public funding. The aim of the lecture is to impart practical knowledge about existing funding programs and to practice a skillful, professional handling of funding applications. The lecture refers especially to programs of the European Union (LIFE, Rural Development, Structural Funds), as they represent the financially most powerful funding offers in Austria.


» Courses

Natura 2000 - examples from practice, implementation and management (853316)

Exercise (UE) 

1 semester hour, 1.5 ECTS credits

NATURA 2000 has shaped nature conservation planning in Austria since joining the EU. The specifications of the European nature conservation directives and the protected area network NATURA 2000 have a major influence on the management of protected areas, the implementation of compatibility assessments, the design of support programs and, to a large extent on the legal situation and strategies of other sectors (forestry, spatial planning, water management). After a general overview of the situation of the European nature conservation guidelines we will exercise together on concrete, practical applications in the subject area NATURA 2000 (sample management plans, preliminary examinations, nature compatibility assessments, consultations, educational projects, participation processes).


Cost planning of measures and projects in the field of nature conservation (853317)

Exercise (UE) 

1 semester hour, 1.5 ECTS credits

The implementation of nature conservation goals and ideas is increasingly tied to available funding programs. In addition to knowledge of the funding programs (see VS landscape programs and funding - 853311) it is important for practical work to have the ability to calculate project ideas correctly and comprehensibly. The aim of the exercise is to calculate investments using concrete project examples, calculate working hours and create financial plans for projects.


Communication and marketing in protected areas

University of applied sciences Carinthia

The planning and management of protected areas involve a variety of legal, administrative and technical aspects. The need for highly qualified experts is growing. The Carinthian University of Applied Sciences has launched an international postgraduate master's program that deals with these inter- and transdisciplinary challenges. The goal is to provide modern and innovative training and further education for (future) managers of protected areas. The program focuses on learning skills to effectively manage protected areas, use new ways of communication and improve interactions with stakeholders. 

Graduates of this program work as managers of protected areas, national parks, biosphere reserves or world heritage sites.

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